University of Connecticut

Self Test

Finding Nash Equilibria

Question 1.

  Player 2
Player 1A 10 , 10 15 ,  5
B  5 , 15 12 , 12
What is the equilibrium of the above game?

Question 2.

  Player 2
Player 1A 0 , 0 0 , 1
B 2 , 0 0 , 0
What are the equilibria of the above game?

Question 3.

FredUp 10 , 10  0 , 10
Down 10 ,  0 10 , 10
What are the equilibria of the above game?

Question 4.

  Player 2
Player 1A  6 ,  6  8 , 20  0 ,  8
B 10 ,  0  5 ,  5  2 ,  8
C  8 ,  0 20 ,  0  4 ,  4
What is the equilibrium of the above game?

Question 5.

  Player 2
Player 1Rock  0 ,  0 -1 ,  1  1 , -1
Paper  1 , -1  0 ,  0 -1 ,  1
Scissors -1 ,  1  1 , -1  0 ,  0
How many equilibria (in pure strategies) does the above game have?
WatersWall 40 , 8 30 , 6 50 , 1
Moon 30 , 6 20 , 9 50 , 1
Wish 20 , 5 40 , 2 50 , 0

Question 6

Does either player have a strictly dominant strategy?

Question 7

Does either player have a weakly dominant strategy?

Question 8

Does either player have a strictly dominated strategy?

Question 9

Does either player have a weakly dominated strategy?